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Skin Cream – 500ML


One solution for complete skin care


34 in stock

SKU: 115-2 Category:


Product Name: Skin Cream

Quantity: 500 ML


This tropical cream is prepared from 100% natural oils that are expensive therapeutic grade with natural properties of antioxidant, whitening, detoxifying , anti wrinkle , anti microbial, deep cleansing, penetrating, absorbing, infusing of nutrients, emolient etc, that helps in repairing and toing the skin by means of controlled inflammation, repair, maintenance and rejuvenation thus ensuring the skin condition always fresh, radiant and young. In winters, its common that skin develops cracks and looses its natural hydration, which can be effectively treated with this cream.


One solution for complete skin care and benefits, enriches skin health.

  1. 24 hours intense moisturizing effect
  2. Tones up the skin
  3. Removes blemishes, scars, marks, redness and dark spots
  4. Smoothens rough skin
  5. Makes dark skin in to white
  6. Deep penetrating hydration
  7. Clears blocked pores
  8. Promote skin circulation and detoxification

Usage: It can applied generously by entire family, people of all ages, genders and all kind of skin.